Ancient Origins of Fire Tonic™
Oxymel, Four Thieves Vinegar, Honeygar, and Fire Cider are all variations of a base vinegar tincture that has been with us for over 2500 years, and we reckon our modern take Hilbilby Fire Tonic™, has mastered the "Master Tonic".
Having been used medicinally for a couple of millennia, it must have something going for it, right?
Well it does ... it's good, real good, and we've taken it to the next level.
The earliest iteration of this amazing elixir is around 400 BC, when the father of modern medicine Hippocrates, prescribed oxymel to patients as a general panacea. Oxymel is referred to no less than 14 times in his transcript "On Regimen in Acute Diseases".

Oxymel is a basic honey and vinegar recipe that continued to evolve through the ages, by medieval times, more herbs had been added, resulting in Four Thieves Vinegar. There are numerous versions of this recipe and the legend behind it ... essentially a band of thieves survived the bubonic plague in the 15th century by using this specially brewed elixir.
Fast forward to the 1950's and you'll see Honeygar make repeat appearances in Dr D C Jarvis' best seller Folk Medicine - A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health.
Dr Jarvis was renown for prescribing one teaspoon each of honey and vinegar in a glass of water three times daily, to prevent and/or remedy many common illnesses including arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, high blood pressure, colds and to restore vigour and energy.
Whilst other's were aerobicising with Richard Simmonds in their spandex and leg warmers, a certain pioneering Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, was looking at health and wellness in a totally different way. In the early 1980's she formulated what is now colloquially known as Fire Cider or Master Tonic.
Almost half a century later and our recipe is the only one we know of that uses 24 fresh, local, real-food ingredients, expanding on ALL the recipes that have come before it.
More potent and pure than ever, our tried-and-true Fire Tonic™, is full of gut-loving bacteria and has been healing, detoxing, anti inflaming and firing up sporting champions, singers, surfers and everyday health-lovers since 2014.
Here's a little 60 second animation paying homage to our humble beginnings.